The Maestro Outlet

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Maetsro Outlet White  - 1 (1).jpg
Maestr Outlet New Pic - 1.jpg
Maetsro Outlet White  - 1 (1).jpg
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The Maestro Outlet

Sale Price:$99.00 Original Price:$129.00
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Customer Reviews

Repeat Customer Feedback

I just installed my new outlet into my stereo system and despite the short burn-in period, I have already heard enough to want another one for my home theater system. I plan to order that and 2 wall covers. The Maestro Outlet's improvement to my system was immediately apparent and so strong that my jaw dropped and I actually laughed like a lunatic for the first couple of tunes I played. In fact, I had thought the the improvement would only be marginal at best as I had already set the system up with a PS Audio Premier power regenerator and cleaned all electrical contacts, switches tube pins & sockets and installed excellent power cords from Synergistics, Shunyata, PS Audio, and others, some costing over $1000/meter. In other words, I believed that I had already done everything I could afford to do in terms of time and treasure to give my components the cleanest power possible. 

Changing the AC outlet was an afterthought and my expectations about the improvements were low, especially considering that most of my components are more than 20 years old; they were all designed before the audiophile world discovered clean AC power. I am running a pair of original Atma-sphere OTL amps(1990) connected to a pair of Snell B full range speakers1992) through a Classe DR6 (1991) preamp. I have been tuning the system and room for about 2 months listening only to CD's from the only modern component I own, an OPPO BDP-95 balanced universal player. I am currently working with VPI to get the parts I need to put Super Scoutmaster table back in service. 

While I was getting excellent sound (for digital sources) from my system before installing the Maestro outlet, the changes since then have actually made CD's sound good to my ears for the first time since 1985 when I bought my first CD player. The first thing I noticed was that several layers of haze have been removed from the sound, allowing more actual music to come through. Low level information I thought could never be reproduced by digital sources is now heard even from the oldest and poorest CD's. I can identify nearly all the various cymbals and drums in play on small ensemble jazz discs and even mediocre drum solos can take your breath away. Bass quality and extension , a forte of my speaker/amp combination, is as good as any system I have yet heard. Wind instruments such as recorders, bassoons, flutes, and whistles are clear enough "see" if I close my eyes when they are played. Horns sound golden. I can finally tell when Dizzy Gillespie is playing trumpet, cornet, or fluglehorn by listening rather than reading the liner notes. 

The biggest improvement of all is to the soundstage. The soundstaging from my system has always been one of its best characteristics, especially when listening to vinyl, but now it's truly holographic! Instruments are now layered front to back if they were mastered to be so. Music is no longer "pinned" to the speakers and the stage extends way past the speakers themselves. But, the most striking part of the staging illusion is that even though it has extended coherently in depth, height and width, individual instruments actually seem smaller than before. There was a tendency on some recordings, especially close-miked solo passages, to create an illusion that a piano or drum kit was actually as big as the entire soundstage. Now the instruments are proportional to the stage and the 15 foot wide Bosendorfer piano stays in place and never overpowers the stage. It can still sound fantastic and life-size, but I can no longer imagine it floating through Time Square in a Macy's parade. 

Getting back to business, I am getting close to my Paypal limit and would like to make alternative arrangements to pay for the cover plates and additional maestro outlet. If you can only take Paypal, I understand and will reorder directly from your web page as I did last week. But, if you could take VISA by phone or are willing to accept a money order or cashier's cheque, it would be better for me. Please take all the time you need to clear it before shipping as I am spending very little time now with the video system. Heck, I don't even have a blue-ray player anymore for it - the OPPO is never leaving my audio system. 

Thanks again for making this magical component. I can never again think of outlets as mere accessories.

David J McConahay



Audiogon Member: Hifisoundguy 

Accesories Review - World's BEST .......Maestro outlets

Over the years I have tried most of the raved outlets on the market and the Porter Ports from Albert Porter were the best that I had found that did not add or take way from the music... here's a few, Oyaide R1, Synergistic Research Telsaplex, FIM 880, WattGate Silver 381 ag, PS Audio powerport premier, Jena Labs, Isoclean Gold. All these other outlets did something to harm the music in some way...some hyped up the highs and mids and others had bloated low ends. I always thought the Porter Ports were the best on the market that I had tried until I tried the Maestro outlets. The Maestro outlets are the most neutral and most accurate outlets that I have ever heard. I let the maestro outlets settle-in a little for 7 full days and nights playing music non-stop before comparing them with my porter ports. When I compared the two I found that the porter ports sounded a little closed-in and a little Flat sounding when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports was not as clean or as clear when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports low end was a little bloated too when compared to the maestro outlets. On complex musical passages with the porter ports in my system I found myself turning the volume down more...much more! When I was listening to music with the maestro outlets in my system the Trasparency of these outlets were truely amazing and I hope this will get even better as these outlets settle-in more! The soundstage was wider and deeper and they were more upper frequency air too when compared to the porter ports. The Maestro outlets had a lower noise floor that allowed more of the suble cues to come through more. The maestro outlets also had a better separation of individual instruments and vocals....more natural sounding more REAL! I think the non-plated maestro outlets have a much more direct sound than the non-plated porter ports because the Maestro outlets have a higher quality copper content. My vintage sansui sp-5500 horn speakers just completely disappears now with these maestro outlets in my entry level system...Marantz pm-7001 and matching marantz CD player, DH Labs power plus power cables, very cheap copper interconnects from wal-mart, Synergistic Research Alpha quad active speaker cables... I think these maestro outlets will become an Instant Classic!


Audiogon Customer Feedback: 

Audiogon Member: philyB    

Hi Fernando,

Just to give you a update on the Outlet. It settled in after a few days. I am very pleased with it's positive impact on my system. 

A little history I tried several outlets some that cost double of what yours cost, for the most part I was not pleased with them due to their sonic signature, many seemed to tip up the upper end from the mid-range up, thus while giving the impression of more detail was more like raising the treble on a receiver, to me hyper detail that was not what real music sounds like and I have been to many concerts over the years. 

My final choice out the many I tried including the raved about R1 and DX Oyaide's, and Telsa's was the Porter Port that gave me a balance and yet lowered the noise floor. I was quite happy with that outlet. The body and the soul of the music remained with the Porter. 

I had the itch to try something new, and I happened to see your ad on Audiogon some months back. It looked well made and it was cheaper than many I tried over the past few years. 

Well long story short I am quite happy with the Mastero. It is musical, allows my gear to reproduce great detail, lower noise floor better than the porter, no editorializing like the Oyaide, my gear simply improved in all areas with these outlets. They are a step up from my Porter Ports, and they trounce the Oyaide and Telsa's. 

I found this very interesting, when I rolled some tubes the change was more dramatic than with the Porters Ports when in my system, My switch from RCA 12AX7 black plates to the 12AX7 Brimar with the Mastero in use was like night and day, before they sounded close to each other, the Brimar now the tube I enjoy the most, god knows I will have to try my other 12AX7 now and see if I have a different opinion of them due to using the Mastero outlet. 

The outlet has detail but remains smooth and even balanced. Overtones seem to extend longer, which is usually the case with a lower noise floor. The LessLoss power cords have this ability also, that once heard it hard to believe a power cord could lower the noise floor to such an extent. The Mastero has added to that area of improvement. 

For $79.00 I feel it was money well spent. I really cannot find fault with their use. Good value and more important a better sound system with them in the chain. 



Audiogon Member:    JRN

Comments:    The Maestro outlet was a excellent purchase. Service was super fast. I replaced a Gold Wattgate outlet with the Maestro and it sounds so much more realistic and musical. What a bargain. 

Audiogon Member: Dqman

Comments: I bought the Maestro outlet a couple weeks ago and it is the best a/c outlet I've had in my systemto this day . As advertised very fast & neutral,musical !


Sergio Correa

Hello Fernando,

Congratulations on making a great product. These are a vast improvement over the Teslaplexes I was using, I had both versions of the Teslaplex the original and the new SE. The sound is bigger, transparent, has a lower noise floor, more ambiance with micro details, the Tesla sounds artificial by comparison. My current setup is semi-modest compared the ultra hifi'ers. Mostly made it up modified components, that includes a, Project RPM4 TT w/Denon DL110 Cart, Highly Modded Hagermann Bugle Phono, a high end HTPC with a modified internal sound card analog out via an ALO Audio Jenalabs Ultrawire to RCA, all going to Modified Ultralinear VTL Deluxe Compact 100watt EL34 tube amplifiers to a Klipsch Forte II's with Titanium diaphragms and modernized x-overs. Needless to say I heard quite a difference between the Teslaplex in the adjacent wall outlet and your Maestro. It was easier to spot when i had one of the monoblocks plugged into each of the outlets, with some replay's of reference tracks and reversing the stereo channels in the Foobar2000 software player for easy comparison. I also have a several unique headphone amplifiers on hand that i had plugged in and was also easily able to discern the different between the two outlets. The Teslaplex had been an upgrade from the Oyaide R1, which I thought was too diffuse in its presentation and seemingly colored the sound to make things sound hifi. But now this Maestro is even an greater jump in sonics, it definitely places you in the middle of the music, more so than previous two products. This is a no brainer purchase, and once you compare it to similar products, it leaves them in the dust. To those disbelievers, this isn't just a tweak it's entire upgrade to the sonic chain, buy it and thank yourself later. To think that a simple 80 dollar power outlet done right can make this much of a difference in your setup. Kudos :)


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